
Blackdown Voices. A CD with singing sheep, birds, insects, dripping water, church bells and jazz solos,

Released September 2007
price £13.00 including p.& p.

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Track 8 Wasps


We positioned a microphone at a wasp’s nest entrance, just out of their flight path. The wasps ignored it at first and then, perhaps intimidated by the mic's furry cover, swarmed and attacked. They would not give up until we dragged the mic away by it’s long lead.

The track has twelve minutes of almost unprocessed wasp attack. You hear the constant rustle of papery wings and tiny ticking sounds as the wasps sting the microphone. Solo on basset clarinet in A.

The wasps' point of view: “Three hundred of us stung and bit the thing for over an hour and it didn’t even flinch. Then it fell over and crawled away.”



Sounds of the Blackdown Hills set
to music by Charlie Hearnshaw
& Maxine Green