
Blackdown voices. A CD with singing sheep, birds, insects, dripping water, church bells and jazz solos,

Released September 2007
price £13.00 including p.& p. 

Track 1 Sheepsong


Sung by “The Poll Dorsets.” We chose individuals who bleat naturally in G minor. Their solo work is of course impeccable but as an ensemble they give the impression of an untrained but enthusiastic choir.

The Poll Dorset is a hornless Australian strain.

How to order this CD from us

contact us
01884 840 015


Special thanks to shepherds
Ian & Sue Farley
John & Rosemary Alford

Sounds of the Blackdown Hills set
to music by Charlie Hearnshaw
& Maxine Green

Four sheep with sunglassesHere is a link to the  Sheep Song music video, which includes the whole of the song.
Please give the video time to load before starting to play it.